One-stop Solution For All Your Territory Management & Optimization Needs

Sales territory optimization is the process of creating, distributing, or reallocating territories among a company’s sales representatives to optimize efficiency and maximize profit.

Dividing the territories and assigning them manually to sales reps can be daunting for managers. WeMapSales, a geospatial intelligence tool, takes the guesswork out of the process by combining four powerful data analytics applications, including geo-mapping, automated territory optimization, territory management, and analytics reporting capability, into one cloud-based solution.

Our goal is to make this technology accessible and affordable to every business. WeMapSales offers a multi-weighted, multi-metrics, multi-constraints optimization system that allows sales managers to assign accounts to their sales reps, analyze reports, track sales activities, and create optimized sales territories to increase productivity and support better decision-making.

With WeMapSales automation and better customization, your business could work wonders regarding customer satisfaction.

Our Story

In 2017, we set out to create an affordable cloud-based automated territory optimization application for small and mid-sized businesses. Due to its high starting price, historically, only large enterprises could afford this tool as a desktop application.

It was a complex non-polynomial problem, which posed a technical challenge. Although the task was technical, our approach was simple. We hypothesized that even businesses with small sales teams, as few as 5 reps, could benefit from automated sales territory optimization.

Today, WeMapSales has built a cloud-based Geo Business Intelligence application that goes far beyond the initial challenge we set out to address. We’ve incorporated an array of features such as multi-metric, multi-weight, and multi-constraint territory optimization to help businesses of any size maximize coverage, pair the right reps with the right accounts, and generate more revenue. At present, a number of well-established and known companies are using our APIs to drive their territory planning and optimization applications.

WeMapSales application has tremendous utility for large enterprises. But, true to our founding, we are committed to making our application accessible, affordable, and feature-rich for all businesses, including small and micro-businesses worldwide.

Creating balanced, compact and contiguous territories can be perplexing
for any business, we got you covered!

Create Fair and
Optimized Territories

Increase Profits While Reducing Costs

Serve Existing and New Customers

Replace Manual Taks

Create Data-driven Strategy

Maintain Fair Distribution of Accounts